IPL SystemBased on the principle of selective photothermy and decomposition of intense pulsed light and the selective absorption of light by target tissues, the light energy is converted to heat energy that can damage the targeted pigmentation or follicles, thus achieving effects including spots removal, couperose skin removal, hair removal and skin rejuvenation.
1.Hair removal: limbs hair, armpit hair, beard, lip hair, etc.
2.Skin rejuvenation: wrinkles removal, skin whitening, pore shrinking, etc.
E-Light Beauty MachineBased on the principle of selective photothermy and decomposition of intense pulsed light and the selective absorption of light by target tissues, the light energy is converted to heat energy that can damage the targeted pigmentation or follicles, thus achieving effects including spots removal, couperose skin removal, hair removal and skin rejuvenation.
1.Hair removal: limbs hair, armpit hair, beard, lip hair, etc.
2.Skin rejuvenation: wrinkles removal, skin whitening, pore shrinking, etc.
SHR/OPT/AFTSHR is a pain-free method of permanent hair removal that gradually heats the dermis to a temperature that effectively damages the hair follicles and prevents hair from regrowth. SHR adopts a new pulse pattern with a high repetition rate to increase the speed of hair removal to 3 to 5 times than before, making the large-area hair removal easier and the operator and experiencer more confortable.
1. Permanent hair removal: limbs hair, armpit hair, beard, lip hair, etc.
2. Skin rejuvenation: wrinkles removal, skin whitening, pore shrinking, etc.