808NM Laser Module Stacks

808NM Laser Module Stacks


    Laser Diode Stack is designed for high laser power application, such as hair removal, laser cladding etc.
    SINOPER Provide various kinds of vertical MCC (micro channel cooler) and MCC (macro channel cooler) diode laser stack for Hair removal application.


1. Professional diode laser bar mounting experience
2. Unique gold coating technology with high reliability and stability
3. Customized mechanical part size, dimensions, optional output power and wavelength


Parameter Symbol Min. Typical Max. Unit
Operating output power Pout 3/ 5/ 10/ 15/ 20/ 30/ 60/ 100/ custom W
Range of available wavelength λ 971.0 976.0 981.0 nm
Wavelength temperature tunability Δλ/ΔT ~0.34 nm/°C
Threshold current Ith 0.6 1.0 A
Slope efficiency η 1.0 W/A
Fiber core/Cladding diameter DCOR 105/125 µm/µm
Fiber buffer diameter DBUF 250 µm
Fiber numerical aperture NA 0.22 -
Beam numerical Aperture (90% power) NA 0.15 -
Minimum bend radius - 30 nm


Solid-State Laser Pumping (DPSS Laser)
Diode Laser Fiber Coupling
Medical Therapeutics
Research & Experiments
Infrared Illumination
Other Industry Applications

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